Taste it Again / Lost & Found

Taste it Again : Westcott 2013 Estate Chardonnay

11 Mar 2019

Westcott 2013 Chard Estate


(December 4, 2018) ... My limit on Chardonnay is usually about 6-7 years old, this one is right in that wheelhouse of those older Chardonnays limits, and I was wondering just how this wine was going to be. 2013 was a pretty good year for Chardonnay in Ontario because it was cool, but if memory serves, also quite wet ... this wine seems to be in a very good place right now: sure it's golden in colour but that's really the only thing giving away it's age, get past that and you'll get lovely acidity, subtle spiced-butterscotch, and even some notes of baked apple cobbler.

here's the original review


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